Do you no longer want anything, or do you feel frozen in your life? You may be suffering from hypemania.
Lypémanie is a very old psychiatric disease, described as early as the 19th century by Esquirol and which was brought up to date by the singer Marc Lavoine who says he inherited this disorder from his mother. Beyond the dark thoughts that characterize it, this chronic disease can be a real handicap for life.
What is the difference between lypemania and depression?
Suffering from hypemania means having such a loss of motivation that you feel frozen, waiting for something or a sign that will fill your deep feeling of loneliness.
Lypémanie is a chronic disease which is characterized by: an obsession with his dark thoughts; a fear of everything; heightened susceptibility; the feeling of being on edge, constantly irritated for nothing and the impression of never getting there. This very old disorder has a lot in common with depression. At the slightest failure, a Lypémane person imagines that all is lost and refuses to accept joy or happiness.
Is it really an inherited disorder?
As Marc Lavoine rightly asserts, Lypémanie would be hereditary according to Esquirol. Being born with a moody temper and growing up with an upbringing in sadness can make symptoms worse.
What to do if you have lypemania?
Modern psychiatry names this ancient disorder as a form of chronic depression. A psychiatrist can therefore make the diagnosis and offer psychotherapy as well as antidepressant treatment if necessary. According to Esquirol, exposure to the sun, or physical activity would be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of lypemania.