More than 600 cases of Lyme disease were diagnosed in Alsace between 2014 and 2015. Symptoms, places, season, related pathologies: a study takes stock of these contaminations.
Lyme disease is actively circulating in Alsace. As proof: in two years, more than 900 declarations have been completed. They come from health professionals who work in the region. All volunteered to participate in a study by the national public health agency: Alsa (this) tick. The results were published on January 3 on the site of Public Health France.
Bites in the forest
These results are invaluable because they bear witness to the omnipresence of ticks carrying the bacteria responsible for Lyme borreliosis in Alsace. In 2014-2015, 672 human cases were confirmed by an expert committee, out of a total of 932 files. The share is therefore not negligible compared to the rest of the country: in 2015, 33,000 people were affected by the pathology, according to Public Health France.
Discarded were patients with too small erythema migrans, unusual symptoms, or inconclusive blood tests. An element which is debated within the community of infectious diseases.
The background to the infection does not come as much of a surprise: the bites mostly occur in forests or in gardens – whether private or public. But farm workers too need to be careful: Bites are not uncommon in this industry.
Recent infections
In the majority of recognized cases, Lyme disease manifested as a single erythema migrans (79%), closely followed by systemic erythema (21%). Other symptoms have occurred, but the accumulation is rare. Less than 5% of patients suffer from other manifestations, in particular because the infection is recent. In fact, in two thirds of cases, the tick bite occurred during the previous month.
A real peak in reports occurs during the warm months, particularly in July-August. There again, nothing very surprising since the outings in the open air tend to multiply during these periods.
Tick-borne encephalitis and human granylocytic anaplasmosis – also transmitted by ticks – are much rarer but also heavier: they result in a feverish state, even flu, joint pain and neurological syndromes. The diagnosis is also easier to establish.
Lylian’s fight against Lyme
At only 10 years old, this young Breton must fight against Lyme disease. Lylian, whose story is reported in the regional daily West France, is so badly affected that he can no longer go to school. On average, he suffers 20 days for 10 days of remission. The disease manifested itself dramatically for the boy: he was diagnosed in August 2014, after developing facial paralysis and flu-like illness.
The rest of his adventure is classic. Antibiotic treatment reduced the symptoms. But the young inhabitant of Malestroit (Morbihan) still has psychological problems and remains tired. He experienced a relapse without being recognized by the medical profession. For her mother, that is enough: she set up an association with the aim of raising funds. They will allow Lylian to seek treatment in the Czech Republic, in a specialized clinic.