Lower your cholesterol? You can too!
Have you become motivated to work on your cholesterol? The following tips can help you change your lifestyle.
1. Has your doctor diagnosed elevated cholesterol? Then you are entitled to four hours of supervision by a dietician. Make use of that. Together you can see which lifestyle changes can help you lower your cholesterol.
2. Don’t try to change your entire lifestyle overnight. That makes no sense. Do it gradually, get new habits ingrained a bit before trying new things.
3. The lifestyle advice in brief? More fruit and vegetables, less unhealthy fats, moderately intensive exercise for at least half an hour a day, moderately with alcohol, no smoking.
4. Don’t restrict yourself more than necessary. Enjoying something unhealthy every now and then is better than suddenly secretly indulge in things you like and have banned yourself.
5. Stress also indirectly affects your cholesterol: it makes it more difficult to stay healthy. So handle stress.
6. Gather people around you who know you want to change your lifestyle, so that they support you and don’t push you if you decline pastry or don’t like it if you don’t drink alcohol.
7. Don’t feel guilty if things don’t go well. Changing your lifestyle takes time and attention. Just pick up the thread again after a few bad days.
8. In addition to adjusting your lifestyle, you can also use foods that lower cholesterol. For example, some products contain plant sterols that can significantly lower blood cholesterol levels.