Already, you should know that there can be lead paint only in homes built before 1948 (and especially before 1915). Then a painting in lead not degraded does not present a risk. Often several layers of recent paintings have covered it. On the other hand, in poor condition, it can constitute a source of poisoning by inhalation or ingestion of dust. This danger is even greater for young children who put dust or paint chips in their mouths. Intoxication (lead poisoning) can be at the origin of hematological, neurological, renal, cardiovascular disorders …
Do you decide to renovate your apartment and have damaged old paintings? “They are often very difficult to remove and risk spreading lead dust. It is therefore necessary to call in a professional. In some cases, it is preferable to have them covered with a very resistant material: for example wooden slabs that are then repainted ”, explains Dr Squinazi.