According to an estimate made by the newspaper Le Monde, the government has increased the toll of the pandemic by scheduling the third confinement in April.
Remember, on January 29, the President of the Republic made the decision in the Defense Council not to listen to the advice of the Scientific Council “the most affected countries were only able to stop the English variant with strict confinement”, they explained through “A lighting note” which strongly recommended to reconfigure the country on February 1. Results, more than 14,000 deaths, 112,000 hospitalizations, including 28,000 in intensive care and 160,000 cases of Covid-19 are to be included in the results of this pandemic in France reveals The world. With a third lockdown that began on March 31, did the government make a mistake?
9,000 to 20,000 preventable deaths
“I can tell you: we were right not to reconfine France at the end of January because there was no explosion that was foreseen by all the models”, assured Emmanuel Macron on March 25. “I can tell you that I have no mea culpa to do, no remorse, no acknowledgment of failure”, estimated the head of state. For the moment, the government has still not commented on the figures put forward by Le Monde.
However, the Infectious Diseases and Vectors, Genetic Ecology, Evolution and Control Unit (Mivegec) of Montpellier draws up the same assessment. By performing an online simulation of alternative confinements, the researchers estimate that between 9,000 to 20,000 lives could have been saved if confinement had been declared in February.
By comparing today with our neighbors: Ireland, Spain, England or Germany recorded much less deaths from Covid-19 than France between February 1 and June 1.