They make a comparison with James Bond

If only this Swiss Lambo was so neutral in gear when the country is in conflict. Austrian police suspect that the Swiss driver tried to use his brake pedal when turning, but accidentally pressed his accelerator pedal. You don’t have to ask the V10 twice and the Lambo sprinted off, straight into the plump. Fortunately, the driver was able to swim to the side independently.
The fire brigade had a lot of work to do with the flooded Huracán and all in all 31 people were present for the recovery work. A total of five divers jumped into the water and fished the Lambo out of the water with a salvage balloon and a tow truck. Water generally doesn’t do much good for cars, so you can assume that it will take more than a cleaning and a new battery.
The agents put on their fun pants and make the comparison with James Bond. They suggest the 31-year-old driver tried to drive his Huracán to drive the legendary Lotus Esprit out of the The Spy Who Loved Me to do after. In this case, however, the Lambo did not transform into a submarine but sank straight to the bottom. We’re guessing the owner can’t help but laugh at it.
The police joke
Nach dem unerwarteten Ende von #KeineZeitzusterben bewarb sich ein Schweizer für die Nachfolge von #DanielCraig if #JamesBond. Der Versuch mit seinem Sports car den legendären Lotus Esprit aus #derSpiondermichliebte zu imitate aber nach hinten went wild. #gefahrennichtgebremst
— POLIZEI OÖ (@LPDooe) October 20, 2021