While we have just celebrated the World Contraception Day, the subject seems to be at the heart of the discussions of the health authorities. A few days ago, we learned indeed than 3 pillsth generation will soon no longer be reimbursed and this time it is abortion which is at the center of the discussions. Indeed, according to the daily Les Echos, the reimbursement of voluntary terminations of pregnancy should soon go to 100%. A measure which should be part of the next social security financing bill.
Currently, how much does an abortion cost?
The price of an abortion depends on the method used (medical or surgical) and the place where it is performed (public or private establishment, doctor’s office). For a surgical abortion, the price is approximately 250 to 450 euros, depending on the establishment, the length of hospitalization and the type of anesthesia.
For a medical abortion, the cost varies between 190 and 270 euros, depending on the place of its realization (city doctor, hospital, private establishment).
Until now, the surgical abortion, carried out in a health establishment, was covered by the Health Insurance up to 80%. Medicated abortion, performed in town medicine or in consultation in an establishment, was reimbursed up to 70%. And only women who come under the complementary Universal Health Coverage (complementary CMU), unemancipated underage girls without parental consent and women benefiting from state medical aid could claim 100% reimbursement.