Suffering from itchy nipples? Both men and women have to deal with it from time to time. Fortunately, it doesn’t necessarily mean that something is wrong. Where does it come from and is there anything you can do to prevent the itching? PlusOnline has the answer and provides tips to prevent the itching.
The nipples are very sensitive and therefore very prone to itching. Itching is often caused by friction. The most common cause of this is when a piece of clothing rubs against the nipple. But itchy nipples can have more causes:
Causes that are easy to remedy
Allergic reaction
Some products such as soap, body lotion or detergent can trigger an allergic reaction. There are many different chemicals in it that you may just not tolerate. Try products without perfume and dyes and you will soon know whether this is the cause of the itching.
Dry, cold weather can cause itchiness all over the body, including the nipples. When this is the cause, the nipples often look a bit rough. Try taking a shorter shower with lukewarm water. Using hot water will remove all natural oils and dry out your skin. Moisturize the nipples after showering with a good cream.
Lingerie can contain elements that cause an allergic reaction. For example, think of elastic or the dye used. If you recently bought a new bra, this could be the cause.
Hormonal causes (female)
With any kind of hormonal change, the nipples can feel itchy or sore. Think of pregnancy, menstruation and menopause. Breastfeeding can also cause itchy nipples. The latter can sometimes even cause a fungal infection (candiasis, as a result of thrush in your child). Especially if you suffer from cracked nipples, your nipples are sensitive to this. See your doctor if the nipples are not only itchy but also shiny or flaky. They can then prescribe a cream that will cure fungal infections. Your child will also need to be treated against thrush to prevent you from continuing to infect each other. Other symptoms of candiasis include:
- Discoloration of the nipple to pink/red/purple;
- Smooth, tense, shiny or scaly skin;
- Severe itching that can progress to a sharp pain (like stabbing), especially during and after feeding;
- Burning sensation and/or pain running down the arm or back.
Rare Causes
Paget’s disease of the breast
Paget’s disease– in full ‘Paget’s disease of the breast’ – is a very rare cancer that affects about 1 percent of female breast cancer patients and is much rarer in men.
When someone has been treated for breast cancer, the nipples can be itchy for a long time because of the radiation. The radiation kills skin cells and causes dry, burning and itchy skin. If this is the case, try massaging the skin with an ice cube and wear loose-fitting clothes that don’t rub against the nipples. In addition, grease the nipples daily.
benign tumor
A tumor does not always have to be cancer. It can happen that a benign tumor grows in your breast. This sometimes causes an itchy, crusty nipple. If you feel a lump in your breast, it is wise to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Always see a doctor if the itching becomes too annoying or too bad and you are concerned.