Google Stadia Pro gives you all free games every month and you can now get all of that for free with YouTube Premium. Well, why not?
Google has pioneered a lot with game streaming service Stadia, but never really got off the ground itself. In order to sell the product, Google regularly offers solid deals. At the end of last year, for example, you could get a giant bump of tech at Cyberpunk 2077 as a gift. Even now, Google opts for a lot of free stuff, but with a different type of subscription: YouTube Premium.
Google Stadia Pro at YouTube Premium
If there’s one service on the internet that is constantly making mocking memes, it’s YouTube Premium. The service offers ad-free videos for $6.99 per month. You can also play videos in the background, download movies and much more. Yet that subscription does not seem to be at all popular among YouTube viewers.
But the company (which belongs to Google) is now coming up with a juicy offer. Anyone who has or purchases YouTube Premium will receive three months of Google Stadia Pro for free, so let Google know. YouTube Premium has a one-month trial period and so does the offer.
In other words, it looks like you can get three months of Stadia Pro for free if you try YouTube Premium. This saves you three times €9.99! But what do you get in return? Google Stadia Pro gives customers a handful of free games to stream every month. Similar to Xbox Live or PlayStation Plus, you can claim those games and play unlimited (provided you keep the subscription).
In short, this is a solid offer for anyone who has already wanted to try YouTube Premium or who wants to collect free games via Stadia. You can claim the free three months through early 2022.