Aversion to spiders or snakes, claustrophobia, panic at the idea of taking a plane or an elevator, panic fear of water, school phobia, agoraphobia… Phobias can be particularly debilitating for those who suffer from them. Hypnosis can help you eliminate them in just a few sessions.
A phobia is a disproportionate and irrational fear of a specific object or situation. Coralie Pastoré, humanist hypnotherapist in Rueil-Malmaison (92, France), explains how hypnosis can cure these phobias. Unlike Ericksonnian hypnosis which consists in “lulling” the patient to access his unconscious, she practices what is called humanist hypnosis. ” We put the person in an increased state of consciousness, we do not put him to sleep but on the contrary we wake him up, he is active, participatory. Beyond the conscious and the unconscious, there is the consciousness, our greater Us, the one who contains all the information of our being. It is the conscience which gives its orders to the unconscious, it is a kind of big boss “.
In the heightened state of consciousness the patient has access to all his own information including that which can trigger inappropriate behaviors. Thus it is the person himself, guided by the therapist, and with the help of symbols and visualizations, who will be able to heal the wounds at the origin of his discomfort, cure his phobias or reframe his behaviors ( stopping smoking, stopping food compulsions …).
The glass, the bowl and … the dishes
The hypnotherapist recounts a very amazing session with a person who suffered from a phobia of glass. She was always afraid of cutting herself with glass, of falling on pieces of glass or that her children would swallow them. During the session, Coralie Pastoré guided this patient to bring her to an increased state of consciousness, and have her identify a symbol representing her phobia: a ball with spikes. The person could not apprehend this ball, it hurt, it frightened. The practitioner explained to him that this ball was a kind of box in which the conscience put all the information and all the negative emotions related to his phobia. The patient determined where this lump was in her head, and above all, how to extract it and get rid of it, throwing with her all her anxiety, which generates phobia.
” During a session we will also seek to identify the secondary benefits of this phobia, the “advantages” that the person has to keep this phobia.. We will look for its unnecessary programs or sources of anxiety and we reprogram it in a beneficial way. “. Her patient was thus able to realize that her new role as a stay-at-home mother was not suitable for her. That her phobia prevented her from cleaning, cooking for her children, doing the dishes… After realizing that she was able to know what she really wanted to do with her life and make the necessary changes to to be in agreement with itself.
The power of our own healing power
The goal of hypnosis is to dialogue with the patient’s subconscious in order to remove blockages and regain their well-being. For Coralie Pastoré “ If you can create things as powerful as a phobia, compulsion, addiction, even burnout, you can also create with twice the power what will heal you. »The phobia is a real anxiety that we move on objects: snakes, water, spiders… They can also be linked to traumas and traumatic fears: fear of being suffocated, fear of abandonment, of the great outdoors. With humanist hypnosis, it is the person himself, guided by the therapist who will be able to cure his phobias.
It usually takes only one session to get rid of simple phobias, and two or three to eliminate phobias linked to traumatic events. Then, planes, school, spiders, snakes, elevators, sea baths or even pigeons will be part of your natural environment, without stress.
Sylvie mahenc
Coralie Pastore, hypnotherapist, is one of the selected and validated practitioners of the site Médoucine.com, alternative medicine with complete confidence.