Having a serious relationship and still living separately, that’s possible. Whether a lat relationship (a.k.a. living apart together) is right for you depends a lot on your personalities and expectations of each other. What are the pros and cons of this relationship form?
To move or not
What do you do if your partner lives in another city? One of the two can move, but it is also possible that you maintain a lat relationship. This way you both keep your familiar environment in which you feel comfortable.
Of course you can also opt for a lat relationship if you live close to each other. The big advantage of a lat relationship can be that you keep your independence, if you want it. You don’t have to take responsibility every time about where you go and with whom, for example.
See a lot or a little
In a lat relationship you don’t see each other every day, on the contrary very changeable. If you both have busy jobs, you really need to set the agenda to see each other. This means that you sometimes see each other a few times a week or not at all. You can see this as an advantage, but also as a disadvantage.
Empty or full house
You regularly come home to an empty house. You may like this because you are someone who occasionally enjoys being home alone. Then a lat relationship is something for you. If you feel the loss of your partner when you come home alone after a long day, it is better to choose to live together.
To carry stuff or not
If you don’t live together, you regularly lug things from one house to another. You can experience this as a disadvantage. Are you fond of your freedom, then you are definitely willing to do this.
Decorate yourself or together
One advantage of a lat relationship is that you won’t get into a fight about decorating the house. For example, one chooses a sleek design, while the other goes more on the classic tour. You decide for yourself. On the other hand: furnishing a house together is of course also very fun and exciting.
More or less money
Another advantage of a lat relationship is that you are less row will discuss money matters. You and your partner determine how you spend the money. The downside is that in a lat relationship, you both have costs for the house and the household. If you live together, you share the costs.
Exciting or depth
Because you see each other less often than when you live together, you may not get bored of each other so quickly. You find it exciting every time you see each other. But because you are not together every day, there is a possibility that you will have less depth in your relationship.
‘Quality time’
If you see each other within a lat relationship, you really make time for each other, in other words ‘quality time’. This can be an advantage. You are then much more focused on each other.
Send away or leave
If you are in a lat relationship and want to be alone for a while, you can send your partner away or leave yourself. After all, you both have your own house.