May 10, 2016.
Definitely, nature is full of resources! English researchers have succeeded in creating healing and antiseptic dressings made from eggshells.
Dressings that accelerate healing
10 square meters of dressing. This is what one could produce as a dressing surface with only a dozen eggshells! It was English researchers from the Royal Infirmary in Bradford (Yorkshire, northern England) who had this incredible idea, to use egg membranes to serve as a bandage.
Egg membranes indeed have very interesting characteristics: they isolate the egg, and later the embryo if the egg is fertilized, from the outside world, while allowing air to circulate, because the membrane is micro- porous! It is this quality, associated with its perfect asepsis, and its antiseptic properties thanks to the zinc it contains, which interested researchers.
A technique inspired by traditional Chinese medicine
In fact, pharmacists in Bradford used a technique known since ancient times among the Chinese, who already used egg membranes to cover wounds, and speed healing. A Norwegian laboratory is now in line to produce these natural dressings in quantity, which could be marketed in Europe from 2018. The membranes would be recovered from food industry manufacturers producing cakes or mayonnaise.
To read also: Why put the egg on the menu?