Inspired by the suction fish, this underwater drone can switch from underwater to flying. View the cool images here.
Drones have become quite popular in recent years. The technology does not stand still and it shows again. Researchers from Beihang University tackle a very Others approach with a new robotic drone that can operate just as easily underwater as in the air. And has a clever, nature-inspired trick to maximize range.
underwater drone
What Beihang University’s Biomechanics and Soft Robotics Lab has created is truly unique. This new drone can perform tasks underwater, in the air, or both without any intermediate adjustments. For most quadcopter drones, a water landing means the pilot has to run to save him. Or swimming. Usually then most of the electronic components have to be replaced. This drone is different.
It is completely waterproof and features a set of self-folding propellers that collapse when used at lower speeds underwater to maneuver the drone efficiently. They will then automatically extend as the drone comes out of the water and takes to the air.
The researchers optimized the drone’s performance so that the transition from water to air takes about a third of a second. That’s really fast. And like a pod of dolphins leaping out of the water, the drone is capable of repeated water-to-air transitions, taking seven of them sequentially during testing in about 20 seconds.