Independent again with a blind stick
Shapes and sizes
It is not self-evident for blind and very visually impaired people that they can go somewhere independently. Aids such as the cane for the blind and the guide dog for the blind offer a solution.
The blind cane or white cane has different functions. Firstly, people in the street are made aware that the person with this cane is blind or very visually impaired. The white stick also points out to traffic that the visually handicapped has certain rights. Finally, the stick helps to guide the blind or very visually impaired on the street. At stations, for example, ridges have been applied to the stones, so that the visually handicapped knows where the edge of the platform runs.
Three types of sticks
A distinction is made between three types of white canes:
- The long stick. The ground can be reached well with this stick.
- The short stick. This mainly functions as a recognition stick.
- A white recognition stick, which also serves as a walking stick. This stick is a good solution for people who also have difficulty walking.
In addition to the walking stick, some blind and visually impaired people also use a white walker with red tires. In order to be able to recognize the white stick properly in its kind, one or more red bands have been applied to each stick. The white stick is reflective in the dark, so that it is clearly visible even then.
Handling the stick
Blind and visually impaired people can learn how to handle the cane properly at special institutions. By relying on the sound the stick makes on the ground, the visually impaired knows how to find their way safely. Dangerous obstacles and places with the stick are also discovered. Due to the ribbed pattern that is applied to the street, the blind or very partially sighted knows exactly where he is. With the short cane people are mainly made aware of the visual handicap that the person has. The blind or very visually impaired also uses the stick to determine where he is.
Blind in traffic
The lines that are specially placed on the street for the visually impaired are called guide lines. These lines are made of corrugated concrete tiles, recognizable by the white or yellow color. Blind or very visually impaired people have special rights in traffic. For example, drivers must give way to people with a blind cane with red bands in traffic. Most road users are still too little aware of the limitations that the visually handicapped have! That is very noticeable for these people. Every day they run into bottlenecks in traffic. This can hinder independent functioning in society.
The visually handicapped are reimbursed for the white cane through the AWBZ. Usually these people get one white stick in their management. If a stick needs to be replaced, the new stick will be replaced free of charge. Usually the sticks last about five years.
International fame
The white stick is an international tool. The same rules apply to the blind cane all over the world. This allows blind and visually impaired people to move around the world independently. Internationally, the stick has a recognized value as a symbol of independence for the visually impaired.
International Day of the White Cane has been observed in Europe every year on October 15th since the 1980s. On this day, extensive attention is paid to the various functions of the stick. In addition to drawing the attention of other people to the visual handicap of the person with the cane, the cane also has a protective function and an orientation function