Health authorities have been calling for vigilance in the face of an upsurge in measles cases in France since the start of the year. Here is how to recognize the buttons of this very contagious viral disease.
- Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases. An increase in cases has been observed in France since the start of the year.
- The most significant sign of the disease is a rash.
- It is made up of small, slightly raised red spots which leave normal skin areas.
Like many European countries, France has faced an increase in measles cases since the start of the year. 167 patients were identified in France between January 1 and March 11, 2025, according to data published by regional health agencies (ARS). The most affected regions are Hauts-de-France (46 cases), Île-de-France (29 cases) and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (25).
Faced with this resurgence, health and early childhood professionals are called upon to be vigilant by the Directorate General of Health (DGS). Parents can bring their stone to the fight against measles by monitoring their children’s health.
Measles: very red little buttons
About ten days after contamination by the virus, the patient first presents:
- a flow of the nose;
- a conjunctivitis with tearing, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes and embarrassments at the sight of light;
- a cough;
- great fatigue;
- A strong fever: it can go up to 39-40 ° C.
But the most distinctive sign of measles remains the rash. It appears 4 to 5 days after the first signs.
These buttons are “Small very red spots slightly raised which leave normal skin areas” explains health insurance on its site. They first appear on the face, behind the ears, on the forehead, on the cheeks, then on the neck. In two or three days, they then progress throughout the body.
Another clue of the disease: “Using a flashlight, you notice small white grains in his mouth inside his cheeks, they are called Koplik spots”specify the university hospitals of Geneva.
The rash of measles disappears after a week, approximately.
What to do in case of measles symptoms?
If you suspect that measles has been invited to your home. It is recommended to:
- Consult a doctor from the appearance of the first signs: as the disease is very contagious, favor home visits if possible.
- Respect barriers’ gestures: wearing the mask and hand washing make it possible to limit the spread of the virus.
- Make sure to isolate yourself or isolate the patient: you have to remove the child from the school or from his care mode. “Avoid kissing your child and dissuade their brothers and sisters, even non-sick”, Add the Ministry of Health.
- Prevent family, social and professional surroundings so that everyone can check if it is properly vaccinated.
Indeed, vaccination against measles remains the best way to protect yourself from the disease and its sometimes fatal complications.
Measles are caused by a virus, so antibiotics are of no use. There is also no medication specific to this pathology. It heals spontaneously in ten days. However, treatment of symptoms is possible.