India suffers from a blood shortage. So much so that to guarantee sufficient reserves, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that 1% of the population make donations. To cope with this situation, Indians are said to be in the thousands looking for donors on Facebook. The social network therefore looked into the issue and decided to organize and facilitate this process.
Facebook offers to register as a donor
Since October 1, 2017, Facebook has offered a new feature to connect donors and applicants in India. Users can now register as donors on the social network, before choosing to make this information confidential or not. One way to make this act of solidarity more visible. “We’ve worked with nonprofits, health industry experts, potential donors, and people who have used Facebook to find blood donors to make sure what we design is useful. “, specifies Facebook in a communicated. Ultimately, the social network wants to offer blood banks and hospitals to get in touch with donors on Facebook, without knowing their identity. The latter to choose whether or not to respond to the solicitations.
Is this idea applicable in France? No, as the French Blood Establishment (EFS) explains in Current wife : “The blood donation system in France is based on four values: volunteering, anonymity, non-profit and volunteering. The same tool could not therefore be used, because in France only the EFS collects the blood, and a blood donation cannot be directed or assigned to a specific patient “.
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