According to physiology professor Jean-François Toussaint, Man has reached his limits: life expectancy, adult height and sports records. This is the conclusion of his study, presented this morning on Europe 1.
How to measure the evolution of the human species? Three criteria stand out: sports records, maximum life expectancy and population size. Physiology professor Jean-François Toussaint carried out a study combining the three criteria, a first. As a result, our species finds itself facing a ceiling: ”We are oversold a number of things, assumes the professor. Our humanity is no longer progressing as much as it has done so far.” It is based on the fact that our genome does not have the capacity to grow indefinitely. Human beings are built with external constraints, such as weightlessness. Hence the importance of sports records. Jump the most far or as high as possible is to defy these laws.
The rules of life take precedence
Faced with this observation, trends are emerging. For sports records, only doping and technical advances (special swimming suits in particular) can change the situation. The average size of our species seems destined to stagnate. The big fight, on the other hand, is about longevity. Transhumanists make it their ideal. For Jean-François Toussaint, technology and transhumanism will never have the power or the impact that the rules of life can have. Above all, he sees in this movement a kind of “death of death” business. Without denying the interest aroused by these works. Their credo is simply the exact opposite of the conclusions of the physiologist. They preach life up to 500 years, see him as a limit reached by Man, if not ”regressions in some countries”.