The tiger mosquito is present in several departments in France… To avoid bites, some advice should be applied.
- The tiger mosquito is gray-black in color with white stripes on the legs.
- It can bite a human several times until its stomach is full, which is equivalent to two or three microliters of blood.
The bite is the same as that of a classic mosquito, but the consequences can be more serious. The so-called “tiger” is a species that can be a vector of several diseases…
26 kinds of viruses
Dengue, chikungunya, Zika… In all, the tiger mosquito can transmit twenty-six different types of virus, but not Covid-19. To infect humans, all this little insect needs to do is bite a person carrying a virus to transmit it to its other future prey. But, rest assured, most of the pathologies it may carry are not present – or very few – in France, which therefore limits its dangerousness.
67 departments
End of 2021, 67 departments have been registered by the authorities as being colonized by the vector mosquito Aedes albopictus, another name for the tiger mosquito. So, this summer, if you live or are on vacation in an affected area, you must protect yourself from the bites of this pest.
Mosquito net and air conditioning
To do this, the first thing to do is to stay indoors as much as possible between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., when the tiger mosquito is most active. Equip your windows with mosquito nets to prevent pests from entering, turn on the air conditioning if possible because they hate the cool and install insecticide diffusers. These few precautions can protect you indoors…
Loose clothing
As for the outdoors, wear loose clothing and apply mosquito repellent sprays as all standard repellents will work to drive away the tiger mosquito. Finally, to limit the proliferation of this pest in your home, you must remove all stagnant water where the larvae develop. Simple precautions to apply quickly to allow you to spend a summer without stings!