British researchers find that people with dry eye have more vision problems, difficulties at work and in their daily life.
- Dry eye affects quality of life
- This disorder can lead to anxiety or even depression.
Red eyes, blurred vision, itching, eye fatigue: dry eyes cause various symptoms that are bothersome on a daily basis. A research team from the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom, wanted to know more about the impact of this pathology on the daily life of the people concerned. In BMJ Open, they detail the results of their online survey, conducted among 2,000 people.
A significant impact on daily life and professional activity
Half of the respondents to this survey suffered from dry eye, but all answered questions about their eyesight and quality of life. Some additional questions were submitted to people with dry eyes. The results show that people with dry eye have more difficulty in their daily activities and in their movements, compared to those who do not suffer from it. Their risk of depression and anxiety is also higher. “Those with the most severe symptoms are more likely to experience negative effects on their social and emotional functioning, as well as on their productivity at work, including being absent from work more frequently due to their symptoms.“, write the researchers in their communicated. “We also found that participants with dry eye were more likely to suffer from comorbidities, they were twice as likely to suffer from osteoarthritis, hearing problems or irritable bowel syndrome, compared to the rest of the group. ‘sample“, adds Dr Parwez Hossain, director of the study and professor of ophthalmology at the University of Southampton.
A common disease in the elderly
With his team, he believes that exposure to pollution, heating or air conditioning contributes to the appearance of dry eyes. The causes of this pathology are multiple: taking medication, smoking, illness with inflammatory damage to the eyelids, wearing contact lenses, recent eye surgery, Crohn’s disease, etc. Prolonged exposure to screens, pollution, wind, air conditioning can also cause dry eyes. Aging is also one of the causes: according to Health Insurance, 15% of people over 60 suffer from it. In total, a third of the population would be affected by dry eye, and perhaps even more, insofar as not all people suffering from these symptoms are diagnosed.
What is dry eye?
This pathology is the consequence of insufficient production or poor quality of tears. The latter are produced by the lacrimal glands, and correctly distributed in the eye thanks to the eyelids. They help protect the eye from bacteria and dust and ensure its humidification. When a person suffers from dry eye, they are at a higher risk of eye infection or corneal irritation. The use of artificial tears or tear gels generally helps to reduce symptoms, some lifestyle changes (stop smoking, air humidification, wearing glasses in addition to contact lenses, etc.) may also be necessary.