My boyfriend and I are both 68 years old and have known each other for several years now. The problem is he can’t penetrate me. We do have regular and very satisfying sex, but we would also like to have regular intercourse again. We were thinking about vaginismus, but I don’t believe that because we both crave it very much. It seems rather that there is an obstruction with me, because very carefully a few centimeters is possible, but then he cannot go any further. Could a prolapse be the cause?
Henriette Schoones, sexologist/relationship therapist:
The problem you’re describing could be related to pelvic floor muscle hypertonia. If there is too much tension on these muscles, penetration is not possible or very difficult and intercourse can also be accompanied by pain.
I advise you to go to a specialized pelvic physiotherapist for pelvic floor re-education. Usually these processes run parallel to a sex therapist.
The problem can be easily solved by learning to relax these muscles again. The physiotherapist will give you exercises for this. If that is not enough, you and your partner can ask for advice from a sexologist. The sexologist can also help you to make intercourse possible again and to experience more pleasure from sex.
Do you also have a question? Then ask one of our experts. Always go to your doctor with urgent questions, the experts are not the right person for that. They also do not diagnose. You can find the other conditions here.
Henriëtte Schoones specializes in sexual and relationship problems. She has her own practice for sexology and relationship Therapy in Tiel and works as a sexologist in the Rivierenland Hospital in collaboration with the gynaecologists. She answers all kinds of questions that arise within a relationship.