The benefits and virtues of coffee are numerous. Conversely, six cups of coffee a day can endanger your brain. This is what researchers say through a large study on brain health and the consumption of the most consumed hot drink in the world.
Caffeine and its many secrets are often the target of scientific studies. Coffee protects against certain diseases, protects the liver, promotes the disappearance of cellulite and considerably reduces diabetes. However, excessive consumption can cause a paradox, since from six cups a day, brain health is threatened. This is what an international team of researchers led by the Australian Center for Precision Health demonstrates in the scientific journal Nutritional Neuroscience.
A significant risk of dementia
“Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Yet, with global consumption of over nine billion kilograms per year, it is essential that we understand the potential health implications, ” explains Kitty Pham, researcher and author of the study. This is the largest research on caffeine consumption and its effects on the brain. To conduct this research, the team of researcher Kitty Pharm measured the effects of coffee on the brains of 17,702 volunteers (aged 37 to 73). Among participants, those who drank six or more cups a day had a considerable risk of dementia of around 53%. However, no link has been established between increased risk of stroke and heavy coffee consumption. “Taking into account all the possible permutations, we have consistently found that higher coffee consumption was significantly associated with reduced brain volume, basically drinking more than six cups of coffee per day can put you at risk for brain disease. such as dementia and stroke ”, says Dr Pham.
One to two cups are sufficient
“Along with other genetic evidence and a randomized controlled trial, these data strongly suggest that heavy coffee consumption can be harmful to brain health. Although the exact mechanisms are not known, one simple thing we can do is stay hydrated and think about drinking some water in addition to the cup of coffee ”, says Professor Elina Hyppönen, director of the Australian Center for Precision Health. “However, if you find that your coffee consumption exceeds six cups a day, it is high time to rethink your next drink ”, she adds.
In fact, according to another study, researchers have determined the time at which it is best to consume one or two cups of coffee daily. Drinking as soon as you wake up or after dinner is a habit to erase. Why ? In question the level of cortisol or “stress hormone”, which provides all the energy necessary for our organism. After a night’s sleep, cortisol levels are very high and do not require caffeine intake. Thus, it is recommended to indulge in a coffee between 9:30 am and 11:30 am and between 1:30 pm and 5 pm.