Married patients survive heart attacks better than single people. Their length of hospital stay is also shorter.
Marriage could improve the survival of people with heart attacks. The study, carried out by the Aston School of Medicine in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, also shows that these people stay less long in health centers after such an accident. The results are presented at the congress of the British Cardiovascular Society in Manchester.
A heart attack every three minutes
Old studies have already shown the importance of marriage in patient survival after a heart attack, but this is the first time that a link has been established between marital status and length of hospital stay. Not only from an economic point of view, married patients pay less costs but above all are less exposed to nosocomial infections.
Around 188,000 hospitalizations are attributed to a heart attack in the UK each year, or one every three minutes. British scientists therefore studied more than 25,000 patients with heart attacks between January 2000 and March 2013. The study was carried out thanks to an algorithm taking into account morbidity, comorbidity as well as the length of stay at the hospital. hospital and compiling health data for a million people in the North of England.
Scientists have found that married people have a 14% lower risk of dying after a heart attack than single people. They also spend on average 2 days less in the hospital. The study does not give the reasons for this discrepancy but it highlights the importance of physical and emotional support after such an event.
Support after discharge from hospital
Researchers insist on the need to show doctors the importance of taking into account the psychosocial effects of a heart attack. They should be considered as a risk factor when treating and managing a patient.
For one of the authors, Dr Nicholas Gollop, these “findings should not be of concern to people who are single and who have had a heart attack, but they should remind the medical community of the importance of considering the support patients will get once they are discharged from the hospital ”. English researchers are not going to stop there and continue to use their algorithm to understand the impact of marital status on cardiac insufficiency and rehabilitation.