For the past two years, laughing gas diverted as a drug among young people has made a comeback. Health authorities warn of the dangers of this practice.
In some cities, small metal pieces litter the streets. These are actually cartridges used for whipped cream siphons. And if they are lying around, it is because individuals – most certainly young people – have diverted these cartridges from their initial use for recreational purposes. The nitrous oxide or “proto” contained in these objects has exciting and euphoric effects when inhaled. This product is not classified as narcotic and is accessible everywhere.
Risks from the first take
The misuse of nitrous oxide is not new. But in recent years, the number of side effects has increased. They are also increasingly serious. Faced with the increase in cases of neurological disorders linked to the “proto”, the health authorities, in conjunction with the Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Addictive Behaviors (MILDECA) and the French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT), would like to point out the risks of this practice, even when it is occasional. Immediate risks include asphyxiation from lack of oxygen, loss of consciousness, cold burn from gas expelled from the canister, loss of cough reflex, disorientation, dizziness and risk of falling .
Prevention is important
If a young person consumes nitrous oxide on a regular basis, the possible health hazards are damage to the spinal cord, vitamin B12 deficiency, anemia, psychic disorders. In one communicated, the Ministry of Health recalls the importance of prevention among young people, which must be integrated into that concerning psychoactive products and addictions. In May 2019, the Hauts-de-France Regional Health Agency, a region very concerned by this practice, disseminated information to health professionals and associations.