German researchers have found a remedy based on minerals and plants capable of soothing the symptoms of a hangover.
- Alcohol abuse causes headaches, nausea, vomiting and fatigue
- German researchers have discovered a cocktail of plants that calms the symptoms of “hangover”
Headaches, nausea, numbness, weakness… The day after a drunken evening, everyone has their own little trick to soothe veisalgia, more commonly known as a hangover.
If the Internet is overflowing with miracle solutions and grandmother’s remedies for which there is ultimately no scientific data attesting to their effectiveness and whose virtues remain debatable, German researchers have discovered a cocktail of plants capable of considerably soothing the symptoms. hangover. Their results were published in the journal Nutrition.
A solution tested on three groups
They were interested in the fig of Barbary, ginkgo bilobawillow,acerola and at ginger which they associated with vitamins and minerals such as the magnesiumthe zincthe potassium, the riboflavinthe thiamin, the bicarbonate and thefolic acid. They then tested the effectiveness of this mixture on 214 healthy people aged 18 to 65.
The researchers divided the volunteers into three groups: the first took this “recipe” as a flavored soluble supplement 45 minutes before consuming alcohol (beer, white wine or white wine cocktail) and immediately after. The second group took a flavored completely soluble based on minerals only and finally, the third group received a placebo.
Plant extracts make the difference
The researchers wanted to measure the effectiveness of plants associated with minerals. Result: if the quantity of alcohol ingested was more or less the same in the three groups (0.62 ml/minute), the intensity of the symptoms varied according to the supplement administered.
Compared to the placebo group, the one who took the herbal and mineral supplement had 34% fewer headaches, as well as a 42% decrease in nausea. Taking minerals alone didn’t change anything, suggesting herbal extracts make a difference. DOther studies have yet to be conducted, but these results confirm the virtues of certain compounds present in plants to soothe the symptoms of alcohol.
Alcohol consumption in France
On average, 10% of French people drink alcohol daily, but the trend varies by region. According to a report by Public Health France, alcohol consumption is more regular in Occitania (in 2017, 12.6% of inhabitants aged 18-75 drank every day), in New Aquitaine (12.3%) and in Hauts-de-France (11.5%). The daily consumption of alcoholis significantly less common in Île-de-France (7.1%), Normandy (7.9%) and Pays de la Loire (8.1%)”the statement said.
Warning : Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health.