It’s the turn of infant milks to be scrutinized by investigators from the National Consumer Institute. And the results are not very encouraging. In the magazine 60 million consumers, the experts explain having analyzed 38 powdered infant milks, of 1st and 2nd age, and nine liquid growth milks among the shelves of supermarkets in France.
Verdict: Aluminum has been found in more than half of 1st age milks. These products, which are supposed to meet the nutritional needs of babies up to six months old, actually contain up to 30% of the aluminum limit acceptable for adults and children. The second age milks are also incriminated: two samples out of three among those analyzed by the investigators contained aluminum. The storage and packaging conditions of the products are believed to be the source of the contamination.
Stricter regulatory limitation
If 60 Million consumers recalls that no study proving the harmlessness of aluminum in young children has been carried out for the moment, French environmental health association goes so far as to judge this metal as potentially neurotoxic. “It inhibits more than 200 biological functions and causes many adverse effects in plants, animals and humans. More specifically, absorption for a long time can lead to serious bone or neurological problems, such as dementia, loss. memory (Alzheimer’s disease), apathy or tremors, “says the association.
The National Consumer Institute asks that a regulatory limit more stringent than that applicable to the whole population be defined for children, or at least “that the mention of the levels be made compulsory, in order to allow parents to Choose.” The only good point of the survey: growth milks, intended for children from 1 to 3 years old, do not contain any trace of aluminum.