While the presence of the H5N1 bird flu virus on a seagull has been confirmed in the Basque Country, the authorities are establishing a temporary control zone in 45 municipalities to prevent transmission to other species.
- A seagull infected with the H5N1 virus was found on a beach in Anglet, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
- Health security measures have been put in place within a radius of 20 km around the place of discovery.
- The bird flu epizootic has never been so widespread in Europe.
30 communes in the Basque Country and 15 communes in the Landes under surveillance: this is the temporary control zone set up by the Pyrénées-Atlantiques prefecture after the detection of the H5N1 virus (avian flu) on a seagull collected on March 13 on a beach in ‘Anglet.
Avian flu: vigilance is reinforced in the South West
“By avian influenza, we mean the disease caused in humans by influenza viruses infecting birds (avian influenza viruses, AI) which cross the species barrier and infect humans. Humans can be infected with several avian influenza viruses (particularly the H5N1, H7N9 and H9N2 subtypes)“, has indicated Public health France.
Although it rarely infects humans, “thehe H5N1 virus is highly pathogenic“, recalled the local representation of the State in a press release quoted by South West and control is essential to reduce the risk of transmission to wildlife and poultry farms.
Avian flu: the prefecture publishes recommendations to follow to avoid infection
In an area of 20 km around the discovery of the gull, specific measures have therefore been put in place. Gatherings of poultry, especially at fairs and markets, are prohibited. Professional breeders, but also private owners of poultry, must report to the prefecture and put them under a net.
Hunting remains authorized, but the transport and release of game birds are prohibited. It is also forbidden to approach, touch and pick up wild birds.
Since October 2021, Europe has suffered the most devastating avian flu epizootic it has ever known. Between spring and autumn 2022, wild birds were particularly concerned with a large number of infections declared on the various French coasts. “Three seabirds (gannets) were thus found infected on the Basque coast in September 2022.said the prefecture of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.