The National Union of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of France (Syngof) is worried about the proposals of the Hospital-Patient-Health-Territory preliminary bill, relating in particular to the delegation of prescription of the pill to paramedics, such as pharmacists. Another concern of the Syngof open letter addressed to the Minister of Health, Ms. Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin and to parliamentarians: resorting to midwives for gynecological monitoring.
According to Syngof, “the pill, like any medication, has contraindications that it is important to respect otherwise complications can occur early in the very first months of treatment” and also requires a specific approach for each patient. In fact, it cannot be left to the sole authority of paramedics, such as midwives, “whose medical training is essentially focused on monitoring normal pregnancy” or pharmacists.
Renewing the pill is also an opportunity for gynecologists to perform health examinations useful for the detection of other pathologies in oncology or at the cardiovascular level.
The Syngof recommends with regard to the pill to “authorize a renewal of repair but of 3 months maximum” for the pharmacists. For midwives, it proposes in particular to limit their actions to the “prescription of contraception within 6 months of post partum and in the post abortion: progestin for 6 months maximum and estrogen-progestogen for 3 months maximum”.
The postpartum period extends from the end of childbirth until the return of diapers, that is to say the first period after pregnancy. When the post arbotum refers to the period after an abortion.