May 3, 2017.
The tiger mosquito is back and to respond to this potential threat, the government has relaunched its annual plan to fight this harmful vector of very serious diseases such as the Zika virus, dengue fever and chikungunya.
An application to report the presence of tiger mosquitoes
As summer approaches, the tiger mosquito is once again in the news. This is an opportunity for the government to relaunch its system to fight this insect, scientifically baptized Aedes Albopictus. This plan, inaugurated each year on 1er May, will last until November 30.
Divided into several chapters, the government mechanism should allow increased surveillance of mosquito populations in the territory. The French are also involved in this fight and are invited to report the presence of tiger mosquitoes on the site., as well as on the dedicated smartphone application.
The south of France, favorite area for the tiger mosquito
Another aspect of this fight also involves monitoring individuals infected with a tiger mosquito. This device consists of report all suspected cases in order to put in place mosquito control measures around the home of the person concerned, ” as well as the strengthening of individual protection around identified cases to prevent the transmission of the disease to other people », Indicates the Ministry of Health.
It has been many years now that this mosquito from Asia has established itself in mainland France and 30 departments, mainly in the south of France, are affected by this pest which can transmit, under certain conditions, diseases such as dengue fever. , chikungunya, the Zika virus or even yellow fever. Since 2010, several cases of these diseases have also been noted in France, in the Paca and Midi-Pyrénées-Languedoc-Roussillon regions..
Sybille Latour
Read also: The worst viruses spread by mosquitoes