October 3 – The more the Earth’s global temperature rises, the more pollen ragweed produces. In 100 years, pollen production by the plant that bothers people with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) the most has increased from 5.5g to 10g per plant. And the United States Department of Agriculture predicts that the invasive little plant will produce 20g of pollen per plant by the end of the 21st century if CO levels2 reach those expected.
According to researchers, the increase in pollen production is linked to the increase in the level of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere. Methane and CO2 are the main greenhouse gases that cause the Earth’s atmosphere to warm.
Another researcher specifies, however, that it is difficult to predict the effect of this increase for allergics: “Once certain pollen levels are reached, an increase may not make any difference at all for sensitized people.”
According to Associated Press, August 16, 2000.