Opponents of same-sex marriage would actually feel threatened by the sexual freedom they associate with same-sex couples.
Behind the questions of religious morality, what leads the opponents of same-sex marriage to reject the idea of this union? According to a UCLA team in Los Angeles (United States), the reason would be more egocentric than expected. Many people think that the mores of homosexual people are lighter, and would feel threatened in their own marriage.
In their study, published on February 28 in Psychological Science, the researchers analyzed the reactions of more than 1,000 men and women, 27% of whom were opposed to gay marriage. In one of the experiments, they had to view photos of same-sex couples and press a button when they were associated with a word related to sexual promiscuity (adventure, one-night stand). The same protocol was then used with words associated with monogamy such as “loyalty” or “love”.
An association between gays and sexual promiscuity
“People who have difficulty separating ‘gay’ and ‘promiscuous’ will take longer to respond when ‘gay’ and ‘monogamous’ are paired,” explains Marie Haselton, professor of psychology and communication at UCLA, a member of the team. of researchers.
By identifying those opposed to same-sex marriage, psychologists have established a clear relationship. “What people think about the links between sexual orientation and promiscuity can be found very clearly in their reaction time to the test,” notes Professor Haselton.
Homosexuality, infidelities
“Opposition to same-sex marriage is strategic for those seeking to protect their marriage, or the marriages of their community,” said David Pinsof, psychology student and study leader. They fear that this change in the definition of the union threatens their way of life. Deeming gays sexually light, they believe the idea of same-sex marriage undermines the institution. “
He also adds that the desecration of sex is seen as a threat, because it would lead to temptation in the couple, who would then be more prone to infidelities.
In general, people who say they are opposed to a legal union for all are uncomfortable with the idea of free sex. They marry younger, have more children and have a traditional image of married life: the man provides for the family’s financial needs and the woman stays at home.