The Ministry of Health has filed a decree with Europe to prohibit the sale to minors of any object promoting alcohol.
The Ministry of Health wants to protect young people from alcohol. For that, he was not satisfied with the law to modernize the health system. As revealed The Parisian, a draft decree has been submitted to the European Commission. It plans to ban various items that promote excessive alcohol consumption. Free or paying, T-shirts, kitchen utensils and other decorative items could no longer be offered to minors.
Fight against a festive image
This draft decree is the logical continuation of the law on the modernization of the health system. A paragraph of article 12 stipulates that “the offer, free of charge or against payment, to a minor of any object directly inciting excessive alcohol consumption is also prohibited”. The decree submitted to the European level is more precise and cites “games, clothing, fashion accessories, decorative elements, utensils, accessories for electronic equipment or any other object directly encouraging excessive alcohol consumption”. Video games, on the other hand, are not covered. However, it is not uncommon for them to promote alcohol consumption in a rather flattering way.
The goal is to fight against a positive, but above all festive, image of alcohol. Young people are “particularly permeable” to the favorable message conveyed by these objects, specifies the ministry in its draft decree.
3 to 6 months of waiting
Producers are rather in favor of this measure, according to The Parisian. Les Brasseurs de France thus believe that “anything that can help preserve young people is a good thing. The sanction which will accompany any obstacle to this decree, if it is adopted, will be rather heavy: the offenders expose themselves to one year of imprisonment and 15,000 euros of fine. What to discourage the most reckless.
Before any application, this project must be ratified by the Member States of the European Union, within 3 to 6 months.