Very appreciated by the general public, nurses feel cheated by the health bill. They demonstrate this Tuesday to be heard.
International Nurses Day will not be “rosy”. The professionals of the liberal sector take to the streets this Tuesday to demonstrate against the health bill of Marisol Touraine.
At the call of the Regional Union of Trade Unions of the National Federation of Nurses (FNI), members closed their practices all day by transferring the calls intended for them to the Regional Health Agency to saturate the service. In addition, processions are planned in the main regions.
For the FNI, the liberal nurses are the big forgotten and especially the big losers of the text of the government. Those who claim “not to be the little hands of doctors”, consider that they have not been heard enough during the negotiations of the bill to modernize the health system.
Oblige to constitute a professional community
“The State would like to administer city medicine by forcing health professionals to regroup, regrets on France Inter, Philippe Tisserand, liberal nurse in Luxeuil in Haute-Saône and president of the FNI. They will be forced to form a professional health community to which patients will be grouped and where they will line up, whereas today liberal nurses have the freedom to organize themselves to ensure the continuity of care. ”
The president of the Federation also considers that “this organization in nursing homes is placed under the hierarchical authority of the doctor. For us, it is the loss of our financial autonomy, of our professional independence. “
90% of French people like nurses
This day was also an opportunity to unveil the results of two surveys, one international led by Sanofi, the other Frenchwoman led by the Odoxa for The Parisian, to know the image that the profession has with the general public.
Verdict: for more than 90% of French people, nurses have a good reputation. Despite everything, they consider that the profession is trying (93%), since 71% of them would not like to exercise it, even more than half of the people questioned would advise or could have advised this profession to the ‘one of their children.
On the salary side, 7 out of 10 French people believe that the profession is poorly paid. On the issue of drug prescriptions, opinions are divided. Thus, one in two French people think that state-certified nurses should be allowed to prescribe certain drugs to patients, such as analgesics or antiseptics.
According to the results of the survey, the French finally find that nurses are “competent” (93%), “courageous” (92%) or “sympathetic” (89%), but above all and that is the essential “listening to their patients” (84%). A popularity rating which is therefore not ready to go down again.