The car of almost two meters wide does not make it

We have to give the driver of this Ferrari Roma something: the model name of the car is a bit misleading. If you named a car after the city of Rome, you would expect it to be built on cramped streets and narrow alleys. However, if you had looked at the car from the outside for one second, you would have seen that it is almost two meters wide. The video below starts when the damage is already done and the Ferrari Roma is stuck in the alley.
The driver of the Roma has already jammed himself quite a bit, but a helpful bystander tries to guide the Ferrari through the alley. To the great dissatisfaction of his wife, because she already sees that it is a lost cause. Although the Ferrari on the right still seems to be detached from the wall, it looks like it has already drawn a line across the wall on the left. In itself fine, because as you know: in Italy a car only counts if it has scratches and/or dents. We haven’t seen any pictures of the damage yet. You can safely turn off the sound of the video, by the way.
Ferrari Roma stuck in a tight alley
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