Monday, June 26, several students were absent from the benches of the Leonardo da Vinci school in Châtenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine). The parents preferred to keep their offspring at home for fear of contagion. In all, 117 of the 193 children enrolled in elementary school did not come, reports The Parisian, after 23 cases of scabies were diagnosed by doctors at the school. In detail, 19 children were concerned, four among adults, namely teachers and animators of the leisure center, still according to the daily.
More fear than harm visibly since the Regional Health Agency (ARS), as well as a doctor subsequently ruled out the hypothesis of a scabies infection. Such rapid contamination is not characteristic of scabies, reassured the ARS and the expert, head of the parasitology unit at the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital. In reality, only two cases of scabies would be proven. This rumor about a contagion spread after children complained of itchingone of the symptoms of this parasitic infection.
Caterpillars, the real culprits?
For the doctor, the itching of other children would in fact be linked to the exposure of children to stinging caterpillars. Who could be the culprits? The question remains unanswered even if the doctors lean towards the trail of processionary caterpillars whose hairs can cause skin reactions.
This concern around cases of scabies comes a few days after dNGOs have expressed their fears around the resurgence of the disease in the Porte de la Chapelle migrant camp in Paris.
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