If you want to live to be old, it is better not to become a father too quickly: this is the conclusion of a recent Finnish study, carried out by researchers at the University of Helsinki.
To come to this conclusion, the scientists (who published their work in the scientific journal Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health) analyzed the situation of more than 30,000 men from the same socio-economic background and in good health. Verdict: Those who had their first child before the age of 25 had a 63% increase in mortality around age 50.
Why such a rate? For the researchers, “it is likely that paterning when you are young accentuates psychological, social and economic stress, which refers to the idea of being at the same time father, husband and breadwinner”. An unbearable social pressure, in fact, which would have consequences on their health on a daily basis.
Please note: this statistic should nevertheless be taken with a grain of salt since it concerns in particular Finnish men, born between 1940 and 1950. “It is not clear whether this will apply to the new generations of young fathers”, explain the researchers. It is recalled that in France, the average age of the first child for men is 30 years, 28 years for women.
Did you know ? Men thus suffer from the symptoms of pregnancy.
A paternity test is available from 3 months of pregnancy.
And also: men would like to start a family before women.