According to a French study involving a very large panel, too much alcohol consumption triples the risk of developing dementia.
57% of alcohol-related dementias
Alcohol is now the leading risk factor for dementia and dementia premature. It is a French study which comes to reveal it, with supporting figures, by affirming that excessive alcohol consumption could triple the risk of suffering from one of the diseases linked to dementia.
To reach this conclusion, the authors of this study, published in the journal The Lancet Public Health, analyzed data from the Information Systems Medicalization Program which lists all hospitalizations in France. They extracted from this file 1,109,343 cases which were the subject of a consultation between 2008 and 2013, and whose diagnosis concluded with dementia. By cross-checking other data, the authors of this study showed that 57% of these dementias were directly attributed to brain damage caused by too much alcohol consumption. Of the remaining number of cases, 18% were considered ” accompanied »By excessive alcohol consumption.
More than 6% of men consume too much alcohol
” We think that alcohol could precipitate the onset of these diseases and accelerate their progression by increasing structural and functional damage in the brain », Explain the authors of this study in a press release issued by Inserm. ” But the possible mechanisms are numerous and remain to be clarified. This study therefore calls once again on the dangers of alcohol, suggesting that additional preventive measures could help reduce the risk of dementias as well as their financial and societal cost. “.
The health authorities estimate that excessive alcohol consumption is established at part of 60g of pure alcohol per day for a man, or 4 glasses, and 40g for a woman (4 glasses). Inserm also reveals that “ for all hospitalized adults, alcoholism rates were estimated at 6.2% for men and 1.5% for women “.
Gaelle Latour
Read also Alcohol responsible for 7 cancers?