European legislators propose USB-c standard

European legislators propose USB-c standard

European lawmakers are proposing that we all use the USB-C port on our smartphones and tablets from the fall of 2024.

The same goes for digital cameras, headphones, handhelds (for video games) and e-readers. The mentioned devices will have the same USB-C port and the same USB-C charger. They all charge at the same speed, so you only need one cable for all those devices.

That is the idea of ​​the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, which presented this plan on Tuesday afternoon. Although the committee has been working on this since September, this project has been ten years in the making. So now it seems to be finally happening.

Standard for the USB-C port

European legislators have made a number of agreements regarding the use of the usb-c port. This does not apply to devices that do not have ports and are therefore charged wirelessly; this only applies to the devices that you already charge with a cable.

The different products all work with a standardized charging speed, including fast charging. In addition, fewer products need to be delivered with chargers, because then one charger in the house (per person, perhaps) will suffice (in theory).

This should make it easier for consumers in the future. Also, this must go a lot of e-waste (electronic waste) to preventas manufacturers need to offer chargers less often.

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