Intertrigo, onychomycosis, ringworm, athlete’s foot, tinea versicolor … yeast infection takes on multiple faces depending on its location and the fungus at its origin. However, these different mycotic manifestations all have one thing in common, in addition to the discomfort they cause: an unfortunate tendency to recur! With their broad antifungal spectrum, some essential oils will help break the vicious circle of yeast infection.
Against skin fungal infections
In a 15 ml bottle, mix: 2 ml of EO of Ho wood, 1 ml of EO of palmarosa, 1 ml of EO of pink geranium, 1 ml of EO of manuka. Complete with calophylle vegetable oil. Apply to the mycosis twice a day for 20 days, until the mycosis has disappeared.
Against onychomycosis
In the event of nail fungus, we will opt for this synergy to be achieved in a 10 ml bottle: 3 ml of EO of tea tree, 3 ml of EO of savory, 2 ml of EO of palmarosa. Using a cotton swab, apply 2 to 3 drops of synergy to the nail 2 to 3 times a day, taking care not to touch the skin, because savory EO is dermo-caustic .
Against tinea versicolor
In a 15 ml bottle, mix: 1 ml of essential oil of rosat geranium, 2 ml of essential oil of lavender aspic, 1 ml of EO of laurel noble, 1 ml of palmarosa EO. Complete with calophylle vegetable oil. Apply to the spots 2 to 3 times a day, until healing.
Express solutions
Against a simple cutaneous mycosis or an intertrigo (mycosis at the level of the folds), one opts for the EO of tea tree, antifungal very effective especially on the candida albicans. Apply 1 pure drop to the affected area. That of niaouli is also interesting. It is used pure or diluted invegetable oil (4 drops for 1 teaspoon). Against athlete’s foot, to be more effective, we combine tea tree ET and palmarosa ET, 1 drop each, morning and evening. Another possible combination: tea tree oil + vegetable oil nigella (1 drop of EO, 2 drops of HV).
Advice in +
We can also act from the inside to treat the ground and rebalance the intestinal flora with this mixture: 1 ml of EO of oregano kalitéri + 2 ml of EO of Chinese cinnamon + 2 ml of EO of tea tree + dispersant up to 15 ml. Take 5 drops 2 to 3 times a day in 1 teaspoon of olive oil, for 7 days.
Read also :
Get rid of foot fungus with alternative medicine
Feet: this summer, I don’t want yeast infection!
Treatments for fungal infection of the feet or nails