The erectile dysfunction affect 3 million men in France: experts estimate that one in 3 French people is affected from the age of 40. However, according to a recent study by the University of Mississippi (United States), people who suffer from erectile dysfunction would have a 70% additional risk of dying prematurely.
Because, according to the researchers, erection problems reveal the presence of serious cardiovascular disorders (hypertension, hyperlipemia,…) which can – for example – lead to a heart attack.
A health problem that should no longer be overlooked
To come to this conclusion, the researchers analyzed the health status of 1,790 American men aged 20 to 85 for an entire year (2003 to 2004). In this group, 557 volunteers suffered from erectile dysfunction. Eight years later, 244 of these 557 volunteers had died: 61 from cardiovascular problems, 64 from malignant tumors and 12 from respiratory problems.
“These results must all the same be qualified: indeed, we did not take into account certain environmental factors, explain the researchers, whose work was published in the specialized journal. Journal of Sexual Medicine. Nevertheless, we hope that this study will alert people who suffer from erectile dysfunction: this problem should not be overlooked as it can have serious repercussions on health. »This is the right time to make an appointment at theurologist !