A recent survey shows that erectile dysfunction has psychological consequences in men, which have repercussions even in professional life.
According to a recent study conducted in six countries (Germany, Brazil, China, Spain, France, Italy) 49.7% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction. To reach this conclusion, the authors of the study asked 52,000 men aged 40 to 70 to answer questionnaires aimed at indicating the frequency of their erections and their possible difficulties in maintaining them, over a period of six years. month.
At any age, very many men sometimes experience “sexual breakdowns”. These are most often related to fatigue, stress, various concerns, alcohol intake or problems with their partner.
However, these occasional “hassles” do not constitute erectile dysfunction per se. We speak of erectile dysfunction when the inability to obtain or maintain sexual intercourse for a period of at least 3 months.
More absenteeism at work
As shown by the results of this new study published in the‘International Journal of Clinical Practiceerectile dysfunction can be accompanied by real psychological discomfort for the patient.
Of the 49.7% of men with erectile dysfunction (all countries combined), 71% reported higher absenteeism from work and 24.8% lower productivity.
“Erectile dysfunction poses a significant burden to work productivity and health-related quality of life. Better management and earlier detection can help reduce this burden,” the authors point out. study.