Faster than a tablet, less unpleasant than an injection. A cream completes the offer of erectile dysfunction treatments. It will be sold from June.
After the little blue pill and the injections, a simple cream. A new treatment for erectile dysfunction will arrive on June 1 in pharmacies. Vitaros, that’s its name, is the first local treatment to be available on the French market. “It is a real innovation insofar as it is a local and non-invasive treatment”, confides to Why actor Dr Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist and andrologist in Paris.
Local treatment of erectile dysfunction acts on the same principle as injections into the penis: a molecule, prostaglandin, stimulates blood circulation only in the sex area. The manufacturers “have added a product, nexACT, which transports molecules across the membrane. They spread better. This is why a single drop in the urinary meatus works, ”explains Sylvain Mimoun.
“A kind of gravity”
Less invasive than injections, the cream is faster than the tablets (15 minutes against an hour). It also has fewer side effects than Viagra and related drugs. “When a man takes a vasoactive tablet, some may have headaches, redness in the face, back pain… Some men have even stopped taking their treatment because of it. The fact that it is a local treatment avoids this systemic effect ”, estimates Dr. Mimoun.
But like any treatment, Vitaros has contraindications and side effects. Men who have had a myocardial infarction, suffer from postural hypotension or at risk of thrombosis will not be able to take this cream.
Its use can also lead to a rather confusing side effect.
“Man can feel a kind of heaviness in the glans. Unlike tablets, with which we have the impression that the blood is circulating from the bottom to the top and we feel his penis progressively hard, the sensation is first at the top and it is necessary to ensure that the bottom goes back upwards. high so that the erection becomes natural ”, specifies Sylvain Mimoun. It is therefore a gymnastics of the mind which must be taught to the patient. The cream should also be supplemented by wearing a condom.
Reimbursed in certain cases
Vitaros cream, marketed by the Majorelle laboratory, will be available on prescription from June 1, at a price of 10 euros per box. But it should be taken care of in July, according to the same modalities as intracavernous injections. “It will be reimbursed at 15% for a few patients, and at 100% for patients who suffer from a dozen well-defined diseases, such as paraplegia, operated prostate cancer or complicated diabetes,” explains Sylvain Mimoun. The advantage of this reimbursement is that it will set a price that all pharmacists will know. For everyone, the price will not be aberrant. “Because the tablets (Viagra, Cialis…), which are not reimbursed, have extremely variable prices in pharmacies.