While the stories of women who have been refused emergency contraception are multiplying, a collective of pharmacists is providing solutions.
The controversy does not die down. On networks and blogs, in posts and testimonials relayed by the media, it is gaining momentum. In France, in 2016, pharmacists still refuse to deliver emergency contraception to women for ideological reasons. The stories are multiplying, which relate the derogatory remarks suffered by patients, or the objections of inadmissibility on the part of pharmacists.
In the end, on the whole of the territory, the cases seem marginal but they are a matter of serious professional misconduct. There are no more reasons to refuse delivery of a morning after pill than to deprive a patient of an aspirin!
As such, pharmacies have an obligation to accede to a woman’s request for emergency contraception. Only a medical reason can justify a refusal – for example, if the sexual intercourse dates back more than five days, the drug is no longer considered effective beyond this period.
“Note the names”
This request can also be formulated by a man who would go to the pharmacy for his partner. Minors, for their part, have been entitled since 2002 to the free and anonymous morning after pill, after an interview carried out in a confidential space with the pharmacist. They do not have to present their identity document to prove their age, the oral declaration is sufficient.
A collective of pharmacists has been created on Twitter to campaign for access to contraception. This group of professionals is at the origin of a tutorial published this Monday on the blog The Cup of Hygeia, delivering valuable advice.
“Was it the holder, an assistant pharmacist or a preparer who refused you the delivery? If it’s not the owner, ask to speak to him. In any case, write down the names of all the speakers. For the holder, it’s easy, it’s marked at the entrance to the pharmacy”, advise these professionals.
Make a report
The collective also suggests making a small scandal in the pharmacy and calling the other people present on the scene to witness. “Interpelling the patients present should quickly bring the recalcitrant pharmacist to reason”. Moreover, “if the pharmacist threatens you to call the police, don’t let yourself be intimidated, offer to use your phone. In any case, you had planned to file a complaint for this refusal”.
The pharmacists of the collective thus offer model letters to be sent to the Public Prosecutor, to the Order of Pharmacists, to the Regional Health Agency or even to Family Planning to report the refusal of sale.
“If you’re not comfortable with this advice, that’s okay. Leave. If you need this pill after having sex, first find another pharmacy where you will be given emergency contraception. The sooner you take the pill after intercourse, the higher its effectiveness, ”recalls the collective again.