At the initiative of the National Institute of Consumption (INC) and under the aegis of AFNOR which coordinated the standardization work, the first two voluntary standards on electronic cigarettes and e-liquids come from ‘to be revealed. They establish safety and quality criteria, and promote better information for French vapers.
As of today, the XP D90-300-1 (electronic cigarettes) and XP D90-300-2 (e-liquids) standards are available to all manufacturers, suppliers, testing laboratories and distributors who will take responsibility for complying with them. Concretely, the first standard aims in particular to prevent the risk of overheating of the electronic cigarette. As for the standard for e-liquids, it defines, among other things, a list of products, either authorized or prohibited, as well as requirements about the container. For example, the safety of the bottle will now go through a safety cap and no longer a dropper cap (or pipette cap). The standard also decrees the prohibition of all materials capable of releasing molecules likely to represent a risk to human health.
A third voluntary standard will be finalized in summer 2015: it will relate to the characterization of emissions.
“It is important to stress that the first two French standards will be the basis of draft European standards” underlines Afnor.
Read also :
Electronic cigarette: a means of withdrawal
Electronic cigarette: it also contains carcinogenic substances