Vaping increases the risk of developing wheezing, the association Osez le féminisme points to gender discrimination in health and intense physical activity sessions would be effective against colorectal cancer. Here is the main news of the day.
Electronic cigarette: vaping can develop wheezing
Vaping is still better than smoking cigarettes, but it’s still harmful. According to a new study published in the journal Tobacco Control, the use of electronic cigarettes is particularly associated with the development of wheezing. Wheezing, which should lead to a consultation, takes the form of an abnormal noise emitted during expiration and/or inspiration. The complications of this symptom can be debilitating and serious, such as asthma, COPD, emphysema, gastroesophageal reflux disease, heart failure, lung cancer or even sleep apnea. To read more click here.
An awareness campaign points to sexist discrimination in the medical world
Minimal menstrual pain, undiagnosed heart attacks, recurrent gynecological and obstetrical violence that is rarely taken seriously… : medical sexism, which sometimes even turns into mistreatment. On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day on March 8, the feminist association has decided to raise public awareness of this issue. Thursday, February 28, she presented her new campaign entitled “To our health! For a feminist health of girls and women”. Its objective: to fight against the discrimination or violence regularly encountered by women who walk through the door of a doctor’s surgery or a hospital. We tell you more in our article.
Intense physical activity sessions reduce colon cancer
A short but intense bout of physical exercise helps fight the growth of colon cancer (or colorectal cancer), according to new research published in the Newspaper of Physiology. As trial director James Devin and his team explain, previous research had already shown that exercising over a long period of time could help fight cancer. Here it appears that even short sessions are effective. To learn more, click here.