April 19, 2016.
Are electromagnetic waves dangerous? In any case, some people are sensitive to it. A conference in Paris takes stock of the real dangers, preconceived ideas, and solutions to protect oneself.
Simple solutions to protect yourself from electromagnetic waves
Thursday April 21, a conference in which PasseportSanté.net is a partner will take stock of current knowledge in electromagnetism. Remember that we are bathed in waves, whether it be those of the microwave oven, our smartphones, home WiFi, high voltage lines, etc …
Several studies confirm that people are more sensitive to waves than others, but that we are all impacted by the effects of these waves, that can cause or promote certain diseases.
Electromagnetism: a conference in Paris to take stock
The conference in question will take place at 7:30 p.m. at theEspace Notre Dame des Champs, 92 boulevard du Montparnasse, in the 14th arrondissement. Doctor Béatrice Milbert, and science journalist Charles-Maxence Layet, will summarize recent discoveries in electromagnetism, and solutions to protect themselves. Entrance fee (9 euros). Information and registration: lesjeudisdelasante@gmail.com, 01 55 93 12 22.