Who can donate?
A woman who would like to donate eggs – necessarily anonymous and free – must meet several conditions. She must be under 38, be a mother and have her spouse’s consent.
How is it going for the donor?
It all starts with a health check: blood, hormonal, genetic and virological (AIDS…). The doctor explains to the voluntary donor the course of ovarian stimulation and its risks. If everything is normal, then we move on to desensitization. It is a question of disconnecting the ovaries from the pituitary gland in order to control the artificial cycle which will be put in place. Which amounts to provoking a temporary menopause, with its consequences (hot flashes…). The hormone injections will stimulate the ovaries: they last about 10 to 12 days depending on the case. When the follicles have reached maturity, ovulation is triggered. The oocytes are collected 32 to 38 hours later and are then distributed among several couples.
How is it going for the receiving couple?
Women who no longer produce eggs, due to early menopause, surgery or ovarian failure can benefit from egg donation. They must be no more than 39 years old and have no living children.
Once the oocytes are collected, medically assisted procreation techniques (in vitro fertilization) are used to obtain an embryo which will be implanted in the uterine cavity of the recipient (the formalities are therefore the same as for IVF). For several weeks, the patient follows a treatment based, in particular, progesterone.
Where can I find out more?
For the addresses of the centers practicing egg donation, mainly located in university hospitals, consult the website of the Oocyte Donation Study Group (www.gedo.org). You can also find this information on the website of the Ministry of Health (www.sante.gouv.fr).