In France, 2.5 million people suffer from eczema: this chronic skin disease (also known as “atopic dermatitis”) is characterized by intense itching and skin lesions, particularly on the face. , knees and elbows.
Eczema does not only affect adults: frequent in children, this dermatological pathology often manifests itself from the first months of life and experts even believe that cases of eczema have been increasing since the 1960s – according to studies, 10% to 25% of children in Europe today are affected by atopic dermatitis.
Eczema disrupts (also) family life
Living with eczema in adolescence is no picnic: in its latest survey, the Association Française de l’Eczéma first reveals that 36% of adolescents affected by this chronic disease have already felt “uncomfortable, unhappy or sad“because of their eczema. A figure that reaches 82% for the most severe cases…
Worse: 20% of teenagers affected by eczema have already been “stigmatized, bullied, or ostracized at school“because of their disease. And 47% of young people with severe eczema have already been bullied at school.
On the side of the parents of these sick teenagers, the situation is not happier: in this survey (baptized “EclAdo” and carried out with 399 parents), they are 23% to recognize “blame“because of their child’s eczema. In terms of family life, 9% of parents whose teenager is affected by eczema say “abandon“their other children while 11% declare”organize the whole family life” around the disease. Eczema, a chronic disease whose impact goes far beyond the physical symptoms!
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Eczema and heat wave: what recommendations?
National Eczema Day: 2.5 million French people are affected
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