The case is sufficiently exceptional to attract the media: the first French patient with Ebola will be repatriated to France. While the Ebola virus has already killed 2,460 people in West Africa, some are wondering and worrying: can this first case of infection spread the virus in France? It is very unlikely since this MSF nurse, on a mission in Monrovia, Liberia, must be taken care of in compliance with very strict protection measures, according to the terms of the NGO. “As soon as the first symptoms appeared”, the infected woman was placed in isolation. Currently being repatriated to France by medical plane, the patient should then be brought by ambulance and taken care of this Thursday evening at the Bégin army training hospital in Saint-Mandé, in Val-de-Marne, near from Paris.
There is no doubt that the establishment is placed on high alert. This military hospital has a center for patient treatment infected with Ebola. It is on the list drawn up by the Ministry of Health, which identifies the 9 health establishments with “operational capacities for Ebola treatment”.
A well-established protection protocol
Nothing is left to chance. To prevent the risk of contamination in the case of care for a patient with Ebola, a very precise procedure has been established by the Ministry of Health. It provides for the “conditions of transport, isolation in a suitable hospital structure, carrying out examinations without risk of exposure of professionals and therapeutic management of possible suspected cases”, recalls the ministry.
While the Ebola virus infection tests carried out in the laboratory turned out to be positive on the Frenchwoman, the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) describes, in a review, the procedures for taking charge of “confirmed” patients in the chosen hospital.
Single-use equipment
In the hospital, rigorous precautions are applied. Thus the patient will be placed in a single room with negative air pressure with the door closed. She will wear disposable pajamas and a surgical mask. An airlock must facilitate the dressing and undressing of the professionals who will intervene with her.
Only a few professionals will be authorized to enter the patient’s room, namely a single senior doctor assisted by a single medical team, continues the opinion of the HCSP. Their equipment is meticulously studied: long-sleeved waterproof overcoat, double pair of nitrile gloves, charlotte; waterproof overshoes, wearing goggles that largely cover the eyes, suitable respiratory protective device during care “at a high risk of aerosolization” (for example intubation, ventilation). The breathing apparatus will be put on at the entrance to the room and taken off immediately on leaving.
The HCSP recalls that the personal protective equipment of caregivers can be replaced by a full waterproof suit and that “all these materials must be for single use”.
Supervision to check compliance with protection rules is provided before professionals enter the room.
The samples of the biological examinations which should be carried out on the sick Frenchwoman should be transported to the laboratory with the greatest precaution (secure transport systems with triple packaging, etc.).
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