The news, announced by Médecins sans Frontières has been confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in a press release: a French woman working with patients with the Ebola virus on behalf of Médecins sans frontières in Liberia has contracted the disease. She was immediately taken care of by the doctors on site and placed in isolation. “She will be repatriated to France under maximum security conditions, in a dedicated medical plane” indicated the ministry, without however specifying on what date the repatriation will take place or to which hospital she will be directed.
“The system planned by the French government for the medical repatriation of patients with Ebola was immediately deployed. Thus, the conditions of transport and hospitalization will strictly comply with all international recommendations to avoid any contamination of a third party” adds the ministry.
According to Mego Terzian, president of Médecins sans Frontières, who spoke this morning on the France Inter channel, it was an accident: “Today, 10% of the cases announced in Liberia affect health workers and humanitarian personnel. Médecins sans Frontières has taken strict health precautionary measures in the isolation centers from the very first days. All medical personnel entering the center are obliged to wear protective clothing and they do not have, Normally, no physical contact with suspected or confirmed patients. But, unfortunately, not everything is 100% controlled. Fatigue and stress can cause this type of accident”.
The Ebola virus has already affected more than 240 health workers in West Africa and half of them have died, the World Health Organization recently declared.