Being deprived of the finished product is already one of the measures against gameplay goodies in the current Battlefield 2042 test build.
Video games are getting more elaborate and complicated. You have to be a good game developer to get a game completely free of bugs and glitches (and no, we’re not going to talk about Cyberpunk). Almost nothing works as well as just simply testing. By the developer himself, but also by the user. It often happens that the developer still overlooks things: it is better that you find out before release.
Battlefield 2042
The same goes for Battlefield 2042. The upcoming major release in the Battlefield series is scheduled for October 22, which is almost already. That is why there is now a test version in which a number of users could already participate. Please note: this is for testing and not to show all your friends that you already have access to Battlefield 2042. Every effort is made to prevent leaks, including a watermarked screen with your user code on screen at all times . In this way, it is always possible to check who is responsible for the leaked material.
Leaked anyway
Another reason to leak is to grab those early clicks on YouTube or other media. Despite the watermarks and warnings that leaks are absolutely not allowed, there have been goodies in this test version of Battlefield 2042. This image will of course be spread everywhere as quickly as possible and before you know it it’s like a coronavirus: out of control . The game studio behind Battlefield, run by EA, is obviously not happy about this. They are cracking down on goodies from Battlefield 2042.
Access denied
For example, Community Manager at EA Studios Adam Freeman shares a wide range of warnings on Twitter. Several tweets stating that the code is only for you, that you are not allowed to share what you see and that you really should test, not just early access to Battlefield 2042. Goodies from Battlefield 2042 can therefore expect heavy sanctions. The worst is this one:
You read that right: goodies from Battlefield 2042 have a chance to be completely banned from playing the final product. That you will be blacklisted for playing Battlefield 2042. So that you realize that those few YouTube clicks do not outweigh the game never playing again. It also becomes clear that many people have already been removed from the test in the past 48 hours.
So watch out. It’s not worth leaking Battlefield 2042, according to EA.